My Story


Hi! Thank you for visiting my page! My name is Frank Song Jr. and I am a licensed Naturopathic Physician and a musician based in Brattleboro, Vermont. I have always felt like music was a part of my soul, and helped me through many hardships in life. I sing the truth…the truth about my experience thus far in life and everything I’ve learned observing my family, friends, patients, and the world.

I wasn’t able to write or release my original music until I came out as queer to my family over New Years 2018. After that it was almost like a flood gate of creative energy opened; because I finally wasn’t scared to create or tell the truth. I write songs about my experiences dating men, the sacrifices my family and ancestors have had to make to provide the privileges that I now get to enjoy, and about the traumas I’ve been through in these short years of my life. I grew up in the blue ridge Appalachia region of Northwest Virginia and was raised by my immigrant grandparents and family, so my music encompasses multi-cultural and multi-genre sound including folk, country, Chinese folk, R&B, and soul.

I studied Biology and Anthropology Pre-medicine at the University of Virginia hoping to pursue an MD medical degree. However, during my freshman year, I was hit by an SUV while crossing a crosswalk. Western medicine saved my life, and I will forever have gratitude for that. However, the short-comings and limitations of conventional medicine proved to be an obstacle in my recovery. Subsequently I discovered naturopathic medicine through a Clinical Nutrition practice which helped support me through the rest of my recovery and changed my perspective on health and healing. It was the first time a healthcare practitioner focused on healing my mind and the traumas I had already experienced even before the car accident. They looked at my body and my mind as one complete system, and reversed pathologies I had been experiencing even before the accident. I decided I would pursue a Doctorate in Naturoapthic Medicine (ND). Feel free to explore the medicine portion of this website to gain more insight into my practice!