
Check out these amazing musicians, organizations, and people! Click the buttons below their bios to find their social media/websites!

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Danie Valentin

Vocalist extraordinaire, Danie and I met at my first open mic night ever at the Acoustic in Bridgeport! She gave me incredible advice and has been with me during my entire professional musical journey. Her personal musical projects are astounding and I highly recommend you check out her stuff! She’s also an aspiring herbalist, so we both enjoy spending time in nature exploring, foraging and learning about the power that mother nature possesses! Keep your eyes out for our EP that we are working on!

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Yang Wang

It has been such a magical journey with Yang! After writing a bunch of songs in English, I wanted to reconnect with my Chinese folk roots. Yang is a traditional and modern Chinese instrumentalist and has allowed me to fully communicate my family and ancestor’s story. I almost immediately start tearing up whenever I hear him play his 二胡 (Chinese Violin) or any of his instruments to be honest. I look forward to collaborating with him more in the future and discovering how to bring my connection with traditional Chinese music to the modern stages of the world!


Lee Ann Song

This is my sister from another mister! We share the same last name and met through the most millennial way possible. She saw my performance on a Sofar Sound Boston instagram story and followed me. I saw that she was not only a cellist but also involved in nutrition and culinary arts so we connected and performed at a Sofar Sound Boston. Now we will be road tripping up to Montreal to record my first album, and I’m elated that we get to work together not only in music but also medicine in the future!


Asian Creative Network

The Asian Creative Network (ACN) came out of the Subtle Asian Traits Facebook group as a community for Asian artists and creatives to connect, support, and collaborate with each other. This group now has over 20k Asian creatives and has smaller community groups based out of major cities. I’ve been actively participating in ACN: NYC meet ups, collabs, and showcases. This is phenomenal for the Asian creative community, seeing as we are usually breaking many social and familial expectations to be artists. I hope to see this group continue to grow and flourish! Can’t wait to see the beautiful East Asian, Pacific Island, South East Asian, and Indian Subcontinental art that emerges from this community!!

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Sofar Sounds

Life has gotten exceptionally exciting since I joined this awesome community of performers, organizers, volunteers, and audiences. Sofar sound was started to bring back the magic of live performance. They organize thousands of intimate live concerts in over 400+ cities all over the world. Since I travel a lot it is amazing to be able to book gigs and perform in intimate spaces provided by Sofar sound and generous stores, businesses, and private residences! This has all been a dream come true and I look forward to performing more through Sofar Sounds! Check out their websites to get tickets to a show in your city!